About Tickets
Unplugged concert tickets are sold separately so that each festival guest can create a program that suits them best. Many concerts sell out quickly, so it’s best to act fast. No additional tickets for a sold-out concert will be available online or at the venue. Concert venues have strict capacity limits that cannot be exceeded for safety reasons. Please beware of scam sellers if you buy a ticket from a private seller!
Aittakuru concerts are open to all ages, and children must have their own ticket. At Aittakuru, the audience sits in a seated area built on the wall of the ravine throughout the concert. Please note that you must be in absolute silence during songs because sound travels easily in the ravine. Late evening concerts at Tajukangas are for ages 18 and over. At Tajukangas, there is seating available, but you are also welcome to dance and sing along during the concerts.
Both Aittakuru and Tajukangas are accessible. However, you cannot drive all the way to Aittakuru, and all visitors must walk about 500 meters along a boardwalk. Please check the separate concert information for Aittakuru and Tajukangas below, and feel free to contact us at tapahtumat@pyha.fi if needed.
Pull the Plug Art Exhibition
Throughout the festival, the Pull the Plug art exhibition will be hosted at Pyhä’s conference center, where visitors can stop by between concerts. The artists featured in the exhibition are Maria Huhmarniemi, Helena Junttila, Niina Oinas, Antti Stöckell, and Tommi Yläjoki. Check out more details here.
Unplugged on Social Media
Follow @pyhaskiresort on Instagram and Facebook to be the first to hear Unplugged news.
Accommodation Tips
It’s a good idea to plan accommodation well in advance, as the best spots are reserved quickly. At Ski-Inn apartments and hotel rooms, you’ll be staying in the heart of the festival area. Explore Ski-Inn accommodations.
More important information below.
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