Pyhä Flow downhill bike route rules


In case of an accident during lift opening hours you can reach our staff at:

In case of accidents outside of opening hours, contact the emergency number 112.


  1. Check that your equipment works. Always wear a helmet. Other protective gear is recommended.
  2. Select your trail and speed according to your skills and conditions. Get to know the locations in advance. Take detours if necessary.
  3. Overtake others on the slope from a sufficient distance. Those coming downhill and from behind always give way.
  4. Stay on the trail, do not change it or create shortcuts.
  5. Only stop in places where you can be easily spotted. If you return to the top, climb up outside of the trail.
  6. Take others and yourself into account!
  7. Using our trails under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances is forbidden.
    You always cycle at your own risk.
  8. Everyone has a responsibility to help in case of an accident—report accidents to staff without delay.
  9. Always follow trail signs and instructions from staff. Staff members have the right to remove the ski pass of a person who fails to comply with the slope rules.